We had a language training meeting, where we discussed the work with President. It was a good opportunity to figure out new ideas, especially for finding. There was a world wide mission conference also on Wednesday, which was cool. Bednar talked about the spirit, they talked about always testifying of Christ, and gave us ideas for helping Less active members. There has been a lot of support.
This has been a busy week. One of our investigators, Salvador, has met with us every day this week. We got a member there, got him to church, and he is on date to be baptized. We have also been working with a lot of people. I gave my first Spanish blessing. We gave two blessings of healing and one of comfort, and all wee in Spanish. On Friday we had three lessons in a row, and they all kinda went over. one of them gave us a bunch of food, so we took it and gave it to another investigator who had no money. It was an easy way to help. It has been good to be able to help people.
I have been introduced to a drink called Yerba Mate (pronounced Maw-tay). this week I finally got some for myself. Apparently it is huge in Argentina. I like it.
I have been well. I hope the same for all of you.