Tuesday, January 12, 2016

We got quite a lot more snow this week. Good thing too, because a
little bit melted in the nearly three weeks without new snow.
Unfortunately that also meant that the roads got covered in a dirty
substance the city covers the roads with to give traction, and it
seams like most of it ended up on our car or my pants:( It hasn't been
too cold; I still don't wear coats but I do break out jacket every now
and again. My impressive coat collection still hangs in the closet,
It was a slow week. We did a fair amount of service, though. There was
a festival called the deep freeze festival, and we stopped by because
we were in the area. It was really cool, literally. There were ice and
snow sculptures, Vikings, oil drum fires to warm up, and tents with
lots of cool things. We came back on Sunday night and spent two hours
in full proselytizing cloths helping them break down. We met a Spanish
woman out of that, so it was time well spent. Lots of lessons fell
through. But we set up lessons, so hopefully we will be busy soon. I'm
doing well. Love you all.

Élder Grimmer

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