Friday, July 8, 2016

A Happy and Hot Canada Day!

It has been very hot and very humid. A few thunderstorms came through
a while ago. Then with sun, it is just blazing. On Canada Day I got my
first Canadian sunburn. It was very bright and we were outside. It was
probably the least impressive sunburn I've ever had though, nothing
special.  I guess that means I'll be tan though.

So Canada Day! It was epic. We did service at the Legislature Building
of Alberta, or affectionately known as the Ledge, at a large
children's event. We showed kids how to make beaver puppets, and they
had women dressed up to teach kids about Alberta history and the
Canadian woman's suffrage movement. They had all sorts of events and
attractions throughout downtown and other parts of the city. There was
no end to the Canadian Flags. At night there were fireworks.
Altogether it was a lot of fun.

President Manion went home this week. We met our new Mission
President, President Pattison. We had a fireside meeting to get to
know them. He is good man from New Brunswick. I am going to have
almost exactly a year with both.

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